Select Fund or Event
3 R's Fitness Fund Forever
Albarado/Klay Family Fund
Alice Hagen Education Endowment Fund
Alice M. Hanson Memorial Scholarship Fund-Bloomer School District Endowed Funds
All Saints Parish, Holy Family Church Capital Improvement Fund
Archie and Ardella Pecha Family Scholarship Fund- Bloomer School District Endowed Funds
Arlene and Gene A. Lopas Environmental and Historical Endowment Fund
Autumn Community Sunshine Fund
Barbara F. Harper Endowment Fund
Bejin Family Endowment Fund
Bergen Family Fund
Bernie, Shirley, and Barb Liedl Family Fund
Betty and Dean White Family Endowment Fund
Beyond Boomers Class Reunion Association Endowment Fund
Bill Olson Endowment Fund
Bill and Alice Thorpe Memorial Athletic Scholarship Fund
Bill and Mary Lou Leinenkugel Endowment Fund
Bloomer Athletic Complex Development Pass-through Fund
Bloomer School District Scholarship Pass-through Funds
Bob and Donna Hogseth Family Chippewa History Fund
Bob and Donna Hogseth Sunshine Endowment Fund
Bob and Lea Dirks Coast to Coast Hardware Store Endowment Fund
Brian and Kim Wogernese Fund
Brunet Island State Park Seedling Fund
Cadott School District Scholarship Pass-through Funds
Callahan Family Endowment Fund
Carey B. Kell Endowment Fund
Caring for Forest Hill Cemetery Fund
Carmen and Gene Mower Family Endowment Fund
Cath and Bob Lea Family Fund
Charles J. and Sally E. Smith Cornell Community Endowment Fund
Chet and Irene Lindsey Endowment Fund
Chippewa Area History Center Endowment Fund
Chippewa County Agricultural Advancement Fund
Chippewa County Dental Endowment
Chippewa County Genealogical Society Fund
Chippewa County Historical Society Endowment Fund
Chippewa County Humane Association Endowment Fund
Chippewa Falls Area Senior Center Memorial Endowment Fund
Chippewa Falls Area Unified School District Cardinal Community Learning Center Endowment Fund
Chippewa Falls High School Athletic Booster Club Endowment Fund
Chippewa Falls High School Athletics and Activities Endowment Fund
Chippewa Falls High School Cardinal Endowment Fund
Chippewa Falls Main Street Seedling Fund
Chippewa Falls Museum of Industry and Technology Endowment Fund
Chippewa Falls Parks, Recreation, and Forestry Endowment Fund
Chippewa Falls Public Library Endowment Fund
Chippewa Falls Youth Football Endowment Fund
Chippewa Falls Youth Football Pass-through Fund
Chippewa Health Improvement Partnership Pass-through Fund
Chippewa Moraine Ice Age Reserve Endowment Fund
Chippewa River Industries Empowerment Fund
Chippewa Valley Cultural Association Endowment Fund
Chippewa Youth Hockey Association Kids on Ice Endowment Fund
Cody Family Fund
Community Foundation Operating Fund
Community Needs Grant Fund
Cook Rutledge Mansion Endowment Fund
Cornell Community Seedling Fund
Cornell School District Scholarship Pass-through Fund
Cornell Stacker Pass-through Fund
Custer Family Endowment Fund
D.R. Moon Memorial Library Fund
D.R. Moon Memorial Library Pass-through Fund
Dan and Jacque Daniel Scholarship Fund
Dan and Linda Hunt Family Endowment Fund
Darley Family Foundation Fund
Dave Landgraf Hickory Ridge Trail Memorial Seedling Fund
Dave and Theresa Meinen Family Fund
David E. Wermund Memorial Fund
David and Amanda Schafer Family Seedling Fund
David and Patricia Jankoski Family Endowment Fund
David and Sharon Raihle Fund
Dennis and Bonnie Ferstenou Family Endowment Fund
Dennis and Carole Mickesh Fund
Dennis and Jeanne Boisvert Family Endowment Fund
Dianne and Larry Marquardt Family Fund
Dietmar Braune and Rita Schrantz Endowment Fund
Dimock Family Fund
Dolores (Schindler) Hebert History & Genealogy Fund
Dolores Barnier Education Fund
Donna & Bob Hogseth Family Falls Youth Endowment Fund
Doris Vennard Nursing Endowment Fund
Douglas and Marilyn "Jinx" Smith Family Fund
Dr. Bertha M. Bresina Endowment Fund
Dr. Mahmoud Taman Endowment Fund
Earl and Hazel "Hess" Morrison Fund
Early Riser Kiwanis Endowment for Hunger Fund
Edith B. Arnhold Memorial Scholarship Fund
Edwin and Evelyn Nyhus Centennial Fund
Emmett A. and Anne E. Keller Family Fund
Erickson Park on Glen Loch Fund
Erik and Jenn Larson Fund
F. & E. Siverling Memorial Tutor Program Pass-through Fund
Family Support Center Endowment Fund
Fern Anderson and Verdell Arneson Educational Fund-Cadott School District Endowed Funds
Fish Family Endowment Fund
Frank Schlick Memorial Endowment Fund
Fund For Chippewa County
George A. Miller and Alice Miller Library Endowment Fund
George and Jacquie Gannon Family Endowment Fund
George and Peggy Fleming Family Fund
Gerald E. and Susan J. Joas Endowment Fund
Gerald H. and Ann C. Jacobson Fund
Gerald and Elaine Mann Endowment Fund
Gienapp Family Endowment Fund
Give Chippewa County Giving Circle
Great Northern Corporation Fund
Greenhalgh Memorial Music Endowment Fund
Harold D. "Mac" McDonald Endowment Fund
Harold and Marian Hunt Family Endowment Fund
Heyde Health System Fund
Holcombe Area Veterans Memorial Pass-through Fund
Holtz Family Fund
Howard L. and Joanne M. Olson Family Endowment Fund
Huls Endowment Fund
Hunter's Hope
Irma M. and Vincent E. Miller Endowment Fund
Iron Will Endowment Fund
Irvine Park Endowment Fund
J. Murray and Crystal Gordon Endowment Fund
Jack and Dorothy Christensen Family Education Seedling Fund
Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Company Employee Endowment Fund
Jake and Peggy Leinenkugel Family Endowment Fund
James and Amelia Hopkins - Masonic Lodge F. & A.M. No. 176 Educational Fund
James and Arlene Wright Family Endowment Fund
James and Margaret Kern Memorial Endowment Fund
Jane M. Lardahl Endowment Fund
Jason S. Zunker Memorial Endowment Fund
Jason and Tessa Darley Family Seedling Fund
Jeff and Julie Bowe Family Fund
Jeff and Lori Irvine Family Fund
Jim and Jackie Bernier Endowment Fund
Jim and Sheryl Jones Family Seedling Fund
Joan M. Robarge Memorial Fund
Joan and Peter Kirk Lake Wissota Improvement Fund
Jodie Mueller Family Fund
John A. and Jane E. Mason Lubs Family Fund
John Andrew and Debi Carlson Memorial Fund
John R. and Ellen A. O'Neil Endowment Fund
John Wilson Music Endowment Fund
John and Mary Hofkes Family Endowment Fund
Joseph W. Joas Designated Endowment Fund
Joseph W. Joas Unrestricted Endowment Fund
Kathryn A. Dircz Memorial Fund
Kiefer Family Fund
Kiwanis Club of Chippewa Falls Endowment Fund
Kiwanis Club of Chippewa Falls Peggy Rathbun Memorial Endowment Fund
Koehn Family Endowment Fund
Lake Holcombe Area PRIDE Committee Pass-through Fund
Lake Wissota Improvement and Protection Endowment Fund
Lake Wissota State Park Endowment Fund
Lake Wissota Stewardship Project Pass-through Fund
Lane Family Seedling Fund
Les and Marilyn Harrison Family Endowment Fund
Literacy Chippewa County Fund
Living Land Endowment Fund
Lloyd and Arnetta Eckes Family Endowment Fund
Lori and Loopy Kleich Wellness Fund
Luarta and Mike Soden Family Scholarship Fund
Luke Bathke Special Education Endowment Fund
Marcus Myrman and Marcene O'Brien-Myrman Family Endowment Fund
Marvin and Rita Tanzer Family Endowment Fund
Mary Beth and David A. Spooner Fund
Mary and Jerry Jacobson Family Fund
Matthew (Mogey) and Jennifer McDonough Family Fund
McDowell Economic Development Seedling Fund
McIntyre Family Endowment Fund
Mentor Chippewa Endowment Fund
Mentor Chippewa Scholarship Fund
Mildred "Penny" C. Mars Memorial Endowment Fund
N. Joie Hertzfeld Endowment Fund
Nancy B. Knitter- Music is My Life Fund
New Auburn School District Scholarship Endowed Fund
New Auburn School District Scholarship Program Pass-through Funds
Norm and Mary Ellen Keller Fund
Northern Wisconsin State Fair Endowment Fund
Northwestern Bank School Mini-Grant Fund
Operation Backpack For Endangered Children Endowment Fund
Our Nawakwa Connecting Youth to Nature Campaign Pass-through Fund
Our Nawakwa Youth Camp Fund
Pat and Gary Gray Family Endowment Fund
Patricia J. (Ehlers) Popple Sunny Day Legacy Fund
Patricia Quigley-Anderson Endowment Fund
Patti J. Boeve Fund
Patti and Jeff Darley Family Endowment Fund
Paul Walter Schaus, M.D. Endowment Fund
Peggy Lindoo Endowment Fund
Peter and Sue Holm Family Fund
Pugh Family Country Treasures Endowment Fund
RM Dewitt Memorial Scholarship Fund- Bloomer School District Endowed Funds
Ray and Lilene Helgerson Educational Endowment Fund
Response-Recovery-Rebuild Fund
Rick and Heather Hunt Family Seedling Fund
Ride on Riley Fund
Robert "Rusty" Gilles Youth Agricultural Scholarship
Robert and Frances Bowe and Fred R. Bowe Memorial Fund
Robert and Madeline Ruscin Educational Fund
Roland and Helen Irwin Endowment Fund
Rolf Chance Memorial Endowment Fund
Russ and Gloria Kazda Endowment Fund
Sandra and Roger Robarge Family Endowment Fund
School District of Gilman Engles Fund
Senn Family Endowment Fund
Sharing Love Fund
Sheila and Bill Volker City of Chippewa Falls Police, Fire, and Emergency Services Endowment Fund
Sheila and Bill Volker Irvine Park Endowment Fund
Sheila and Bill Volker Unrestricted Endowment Fund
Skip and Jill Thaler Family Endowment Fund
Sloane J. Brehmer Endowment Fund
St. Vincent de Paul Service Endowment Fund
Stanley Area Historical Society Endowment Fund
Stanley Community Endowment Fund
Stanley-Boyd Area School District Scholarship Pass-through Funds
Steve and Lauree Pregent Family Fund
Sue Decker Theatre Endowment Fund
Swanson Endowment Fund for Staff Development
Thad and Linda Hebert Seedling Fund
The WANE Fire Safety and Prevention Endowment Fund
The Youth of Lake Holcombe Endowment Fund
Thomas J. Joas and Julie A. Joas Endowment Fund
Through Thick and Thin- the David Wermund Memorial Fund
Tim Leis Family Youth Enrichment Endowment Fund
Tom and Louise Lea Fund
Tom and Marge Geissler Family Seedling Fund
Tom and Mary Randall Education Fund
Tom and Pam Kell Family Endowment Fund
Trey Raihle Memorial Fund
Troop #3055 Memorial Fund
United Way of the Greater Chippewa Valley Endowment Fund
Warren and Virginia Wermund Endowment Fund
Welcome to Chippewa Falls U.S. Flag Endowment Fund
William Irvine Endowment Fund
William and Deborah McDougall Endowment Fund
William and Nancy Pickerign Family Fund
Wisconsin Tree Identification Fund