Community Needs Grants

Nonprofit and community organizations serving Chippewa County can apply for grants August 26 - October 3, 2024.

About the Grants

Each year, Community Needs Grants are awarded to charitable organizations serving Chippewa County. Grant funding supports: arts and culture, community development, education, environment and animal welfare, and health and human services. Last year, the Community Foundation of Chippewa County awarded grants ranging from $500 to $6,500 to a variety of charitable organizations.

Do you qualify?

To be awarded a grant through the Community Foundation of Chippewa County:

  • Your project must benefit the people and communities of Chippewa County
  • Your organization must be a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization or a public charity as defined in section 170(b)(1)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) (i.e. Churches, schools, government entities, etc.)

Generally, grants will not be funded for routine operating expenses, annual campaigns and/or endowment, re-granting by another organization, direct support of individuals, lobbying or political organizations, and ongoing/repeat grants to the same project.

Requirements and FAQ

We Favor Grant Proposals That:

  • Originate in Chippewa County and demonstrate strong volunteer involvement
  • Promote collaboration and reduce service duplication
  • Help people help themselves
  • Build upon the strengths of communities
  • Make a tangible difference in meeting an important community need
  • Demonstrate a high level of sustainability
List of Previous Year Grant Recipients

Application Process

The 2024-2025 grant cycle opens August 26, 2024 and closes at 4:00 PM on October 3, 2024. In November, the Grants Committee reviews all grant applications. The Board of Directors will then act on the recommendations of the Grants Committee in determining grant recipients. All grant applicants will receive written notification in January.

Community Needs Grant Timeline
Grants Collage Photo

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