Dianne and Larry Marquardt Family Fund

"Growing a Legacy in Agriculture."

Faith, family and friends … one can build a long, happy life with these fundamental values. Larry and Dianne Marquardt have cultivated such a life while farming in Chippewa County, milking cows, growing crops, raising a family, and serving their community. 

It began in 1937, when Larry's father, Walter, bought farmland south of Chippewa Falls. Walter and his wife, Florence, made a good living there while raising their family. That's how Larry became so passionate about raising crops and managing livestock as a way of life. He and Dianne later took over the farm and carried on this tradition.

It's always been important to the Marquardts to give back. When their children, Joseph, Benjamin and Leanne were small, the couple would hold community events at their farm, enjoying the opportunity to share their family's love of agriculture and to educate others about the value of farming. This included inviting fourth grade elementary students to visit the farm and show them where their food comes from.  

"People don't realize how important agriculture is to our local economy. Ag is the number one industry in Chippewa County," Larry said.  

"The farm is a good place to raise a family and helps teach kids to be good people," added Dianne. "Your children learn about the value of the land and how it gives back to us."

The Marquardt's are evidence that character and work ethic are built on a farm. Dianne recently retired after working 29 years at the Chippewa Falls School District. For 20 years, Larry volunteered at the Chippewa Fire District and served as board chairman for the Town of Hallie. He was a Chippewa County Board member for 14 years. And not surprisingly, he has been involved with the Northern Wisconsin State Fair and the Farm Technology Days Committee. He currently continues to cash crop the land and delivers Meals on Wheels.

Believing there's still more they can do, the couple established the Dianne and Larry Marquardt Family Fund, a donor advised, endowed fund.  

"The neat thing is, the world of agriculture and sustainability is coming back into view for our younger generations," Larry said. "They are gardening and eating locally. They're interested in conservation of resources. That's what farming is about. Sustaining families, providing for others, contributing to the local economy. To quality of life."

The Marquardts know that the need for farming and sustainable practices will continue long after they are gone. Their vision is for the fund to be a gift to the community to support agricultural education and other ventures that will preserve the tradition that continues to bring so much joy to their lives.

Larry recently restored his late father's 1958 John Deere 420 tractor (tricycle version) to original colors and with brand new tires. It stands proudly in the barn as a tribute and a priceless memory those sun-soaked days working the land and spending time with his dad. 


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