Great Northern Corporation Fund

"Many of the plant's employees live in Chippewa County, and the fund reaches out beyond Chippewa Falls to meet needs." ~Sara Rodgers, GNC Employee. 2019."

Zach Schmidtknecht views the Great Northern Corporation Fund as an opportunity for the team to continue giving to their community beyond their terms of employment.

"Giving back to the community is what we are. It's been instilled in us by past generations of leaders, and it's now our responsibility to carry it forward," said Schmidtknecht, general manager of GNC's Chippewa Falls plant in 2019.

Sarah Rogers, customer service manager at the plant in 2019,  presented the idea of starting a seedling fund that they would grow to full endowment.  As a former employee of the Community Foundation of Chippewa County, Rogers said the Foundation is responsible with funds and understands the community's needs.

"We believe it is a good fit for us," she said.

GNC is one of the nation's largest independent producers of packaging and in-store displays. The Chippewa Falls plant has 260 employees.

The business already actively supports community organizations, in 2019 that included United Way, Junior Achievement, and ball teams as well as local events such as a concert night at Riverfront Park and food, clothing, Christmas toys, and school supplies drives.

"We have determined that we would like it to serve the community as needed," Rogers said, adding the fund is open to anyone who wants to donate.

Many of the plant's employees live in Chippewa County, and the fund reaches out beyond Chippewa Falls to meet needs, she noted.

"I'm just excited to see it grow and (for) Great Northern to be part of this avenue of giving back to the community," Rogers said.

Their unrestricted fund will be used for grant-making at the discretion of the Foundation's board of directors for their annual, Community Needs Grant cycle. 

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