Jason S. Zunker Memorial Endowment Fund

"Jason was a giving person and would be so honored to know of all the kindness and generosity that was given by so many people." ~ Jason's widow, Lisa."

"It means a lot to myself, our families, and would have to Jason, that we can let a part of his memory live forever through the Endowment Fund." 

After the tragic death of Officer Jason Zunker, who died while directing traffic on duty, a huge outpouring of support was donated in his memory. From that support, the Jason S. Zunker Memorial Endowment Fund was created. 

The endowment is a designated fund, that may be used to further education in law enforcement such as: Safety programs and projects, scholarships for graduates of Jason's alma mater, Northwestern High School, or scholarships for other Chippewa County high school graduates, after they have been accepted in the law enforcement program at CVTC. The fund could also support any worthy Chippewa County community project.

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