Our Nawakwa Youth Camp Fund

"Nonprofit Youth Camp"

Our Nawakwa, Inc. is a nonprofit youth camp, formerly a Boy Scout and Girl Scout camp.  Since 2024, Our Nawakwa serves a wide range of youth organizations from its 75-acre property near Cornell in Chippewa County, Wisconsin. 

"Camp Nawakwa is a special place that brings kids together and allows them to find activities and hobbies in nature they can pursue through life. The mission has always been to give kids an enriching and interactive experience, and now we can open those opportunities up to all youth groups and clubs," said Our Nawakwa Inc. board member Sherry Jasper.

The Nawakwa experience has generated nearly 100 years of heartfelt and triumphant stories from its visitors who quickly feel at home. Its wooded setting facilitates endless program development opportunities for youth. Camp is unique for its quiet beach on a non-motorized lake, Ice-Age Trail access, and large-capacity cabins. For generations, this beautiful space has been a place for youth to build a connection to the outdoors, encourage resilience, develop leadership skills, learn about the environment, and promote health and wellness.

Camp Nawakwa's legacy is preserved for future generations through the "Our Nawakwa Camp Endowment Fund." This charitable fund supports long-term maintenance and operations. 


Donations to the endowment fund preserve the Camp Nawakwa Legacy and keep costs affordable for campers and youth organizations. 

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